On line reservations are now closed, we have a very limited amount of seating available at the door.
It is our pleasure as the La Verne Chamber of Commerce to invite you to the 2023 Excellence in La Verne Business Awards. The evening will include a Cocktail Reception with heavy hors d' oeuvres and awards ceremony to honor our much-deserving award recipients.
Business of the Year:
La Verne Physical Therapy
New Business of the Year:
Bagelry & Brews
Family Owned Business of the Year:
Norm's Hangar Coffee Shop
Employer of the Year:
Fourth Street Mill
Non Profit of the Year:
La Verne Historical Society
Brian McNerney Ambassador of the Year:
Mia Valdez, Mia Valdez Beauty
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PST
$40 individual seats
Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Leah Skinner 909-593-5265
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.lavernechamber.org – Contact the La Verne Chamber of Commerce for more information.
2076 Bonita Ave., La Verne, CA 91750 – (909) 593-5265 – director@lavernechamber.org