Yo Soy Amazing
Business Consulting
About Us
Do you want to achieve more success?
Do you want more fulfillment in life?
Do you feel you need more clarity defining your goals, resolve conflicts, create work applicable solutions?
Do you want to uncover and transform beliefs that limit or hold you back from fulfillment?
Do you have unresolved emotions that hold you back from achieving your dreams and goals?
NLP is the science and study of business success, life fulfillment, and human excellence. It’s the approach to understanding how humans think, create behavioral shifts, and lasting results. This science is leading edge technology for accelerated human change. Understanding the relationship between mind, body, emotions and action, and using these technologies, we can create the results we want in every area of our lives. The quality of your life mirrors the quality of your communication. This 8-day course teaches you how to communicate more authentically and effectively than ever before, with your clients, team members, loved ones, and most importantly with yourself.
Rep/Contact Info
Our Office
Located to the rear of the La Verne Construction Building at : 2076 Bonita Ave. La Verne, Ca 91750
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday – Friday
Currently the Chamber is short staffed – Please call for appointment
Saturday & Sunday Closed